Designing Email Campaigns for High E-commerce Retention

According to CIA The World Factbook 2004, two languages are spoken in the United States: English (an official language) and Spanish (spoken by a sizable minority). For the initial website launch, eLegalDoc will provide the website only in English. Once the website is designed, and the whole e-commerce process of creating automated legal documents and receiving payments is tested and proven to work, the website will enter the next phase. The Spanish speaking minority, otherwise known as Hispanic, is a growing lnternet market in U.S. A nationwide Harris Interactivesm survey conducted in February and March of 2002, have revealed that Hispanics represent 9% of total number of adults using the Internet. Thus, in second stage of expansion, the Hispanic ethnic group will be included as an additional target segment. At that stage, eLegalDoc will provide the website instructions in Spanish as well.User psychographics comprise personality, values, lifestyle, activities, interest...