The Importance of Data for Trade Marketing Managers
investigating personally experienced events to offer relevant statistics (Ruel, 2017). The qualitative approach helps researchers to comprehend the perspectives of the workforce or community (McCusker & Gunaydin, 2015). Qualitative research is to analyze a new topic of study to find and theorize major concerns (Jamshed, 2014). I looked over several qualitative studies by Dikko (2016), Leung (2015), and Yin (2014) in getting ready for this work. This
study would be best suited for the qualitative research approach to explain the reasons behind the adoption of internet marketing plans by business executives. Investigating the implementation of the innovation process to small retail companies was done by means of their internet marketing corporate strategies.When factual data are needed to guide
quantitative research approaches, Bye, 2014). Using a bespoke, online, multimodal storytelling platform, Sunderland, Chenoweth, Matthews, and Ellem (2014) investigated a public multidisciplinary awareness project including the life of individuals with disabilities worldwide using narrative inquiry. Their research gave participants' forms of narrative a
Thorough examination so as to identify
what their disability meant to them. Concerning the participant's experiences in this study, the narrative inquiry strategy proved neither suitable nor sufficient.Good research calls for content validity (Fusch & Ness, 2015), data saturation, and quality. Saturation implies no more information found relevant to the sample population (Saunders et al., 2017). Data saturation results from the obsolescence of newly emerging ideas (Yin, 2014). Asking all participants to
validate the previously given data helps to establish validity and trust by means of member checking (Birt, Scott, Cavers, Campbell, & Walter, 2016). Additional participants would have been chosen until there were no fresh developing themes if I had not attained data saturation in this investigation. Retrieving information from interviews, public business records,
websites, and social networking webpages from small retail enterprises to investigate the tactics they employed to apply online marketing until no new data or further themes arose, therefore assuring data saturation in this study.2015) A multiple case study method reveals the link between events as experienced by the study participants (Marshall & Rossman, 2016). Ponelis (2015) sought knowledge about information systems in SMEs by means of a
Numerous case study The most suitable
design to use r this study was a multiple case study since it matched the goal of this one.Unlike other forms of qualitative research, phenomenological studies try to grasp the core of a phenomenon from the viewpoint of people who have gone through it (Gill, 2014). Employing a phenomenological approach could lead to an eidetic generalization instead of an empirical one (Englander, 2016). Phenomenologists aim to get the dimensions of human
experiences and how groups of people share the same ones (Pell, Kuang, Viboud, & Chowell, 2016). The main research question in this work did not match a phenomenological technique. Moreover, business executives responded to certain, open-ended, online marketing plan questions via semi-structured interviews; so, in this study I did not apply a phenomenological approach.Focused on the culture of individuals living at a place or institution, ethnography is
qualitative research methodology (Hamilton, 2015). Ethnographic studies offer understanding of daily life experiences including political, social, and economic aspects (Jamshed, 2014). While quantitative research bases its representations on numbers, statistics, and quantitative measures, researchers that apply this method offer data sources to attain triangulation. Moreover, quantitative approaches investigate the correlations or variations among variables
Means of statistical data analysis
(Cokley & Awad, 2013). My depth and breadth of knowledge lacked Palinkas et al., 2015. Mixed techniques are frequently used, according to Ozawa and Pongpirul (2014), when social, financial, and cultural settings are crucial to evaluate the performance. Since only qualitative data were required to address the research question—not both qualitative and quantitative—a mixed-method approach did not fit my aims for this project. Methodology of
ResearchTo investigate the issue under examination, I gathered and examined data using a multiple case study design. The several case study approaches tackled the how and why of the research questions. Hyett, Kenny, and Dickson-Swift (2014) underlined that in some situations researchers should gather and evaluate data using several case study designs. Case study design is investigating the phenomenon inside a modern environment to solve
the research issue (Dumez, 2015; Garcia, 2014). A case study can be exploratory, explanatory, or descriptive, claims Yin (2014).Multiple case studies allow researchers to compile sources and data (H Hancock & Algozzine, 2016). Semistructured interviews with people engaged in a particular sector of business can be conducted using a multiple case study methodology (Zieba, Bolisani, & Scarso, 2016). For instance, semistructured interviews
conducted in an exploratory case study by Runfola, Perna, Baraldi, and Gregori (2017) helped to ascertain how business journals affect judgments. By analyzing patterns of similarity and various strategic approaches, the multiple case study method was suitable for this study since it helped me grasp the methods small retail shop owners apply online marketing to apply to business strategies.Since quantitative research entails sampling, measuring, and
analyzing relationships with numerical data analysis, my aim with this study was not to investigate the variations among variables or measurements of statistical data. Using the mixed-method technique, researchers investigate and analyze a phenomena (Hesse-Biber & Johnson, 2013). Mixed methods integrate aspects of qualitative and quantitative research techniques for the general aim of enhancing the
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