Why Trade Marketing Managers Are Vital for FMCG Brands in the USA

 Experience marketing has become more and more popular with businesses all around as demands and needs evolve and technology advances. "Traditional marketing presents an engineering-driven, rational, analytical view of customers, products and competition," Schmitt  notes. Conventional marketing emphasizes on the functional qualities and advantages of the 

product itself and sees the customer as a logical decision maker  Many businesses in many different sectors have found success with traditional marketing in the past; but, as technology develops, continual usage of social media and the flood of advertising cause the perspective on marketing to change.multinational companies has created new expectations 

that can be experienced by both employers and employees. The constant pressure to innovate, and the rapid development of technology have led to the need for an analytical, social and interdisciplinary synthesizing vision. Another important factor is the increase in the number of services related to accelerating urbanization and ageing in developed societies, 

Which has led to an appreciation 

of non-cognitive skills. Numerous studies examined employers’ job offers and recruitment practices, which show that employers have recognized the importance of non-cognitive skills (Clarke, 2016; Börner et al., 2018; Hoeschler & Backes-Gellner, 2018; Verma 2019). Both employers and employees should be aware of their skills and expectations, which help motivate employees to develop skills and provide financial recognition to employers (Bassi & 

Nansamba, 2019). The change in the structure of the labor market shows that the number of jobs in which social skills and professional expectations are dominant has been increasing in the last decades (Varga et al., 2017). According to Mészáros (2017), hard skill as a name covers the professional knowledge that can be acquired in education. This knowledge means 

the special professional and general skills required by employers. Hard skills are well measurable (digital skills, language skills, profession-specific and mathematical skills, etc.) and can easily be referred to in an advertisement. In addition to professional expectations, the appreciation of non-cognitive, so-called soft skills can be observed in the labor market, which 

People’s personality traits temperaments

attitudes and are most needed to be able to work successfully with others and serve as a basis for managerial skills (Ackerman et al., 2003; Alpert et al., 2009; Fazekas, 2020; László & Szabó, 2020). The present study thus fulfils a kind of gap-filling function in the above topic. A critical competitiveness factor was examined from a specific perspective. The main  

of our research was to strengthen our presumption that the labor market is now adapting to the needs of new generations as well as trying to reach young people viaEmployability skills are essential skills i.e., personal qualities and values that enable employees to thrive in any workplace. There are several definitions of ‘employability’. The one adopted from Yorke 

is as follows: “a set of achievements - skills, understandings and personal attributes - that make graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy.” Students’ employability is improved by academic literature and soft skills that enable 

Employees to adapt to the constantly 

changing work environment. An awareness of essential hard and soft skills are critical factors for competitiveness and employability for universities and graduate students and wherever employees are on their carrier paths. The differences in desirable job transition options are based on the information on skills required and on building up strategies on identifying options. The problem solving on an employers’ lens is based on the development of cross-

functional skills, which are common, non-specialized skills required by job applicants to be considered for a role, applicable to a wide range of jobs new platforms. In addition, social networking sites have also become unavoidable as a method of recruitment. The research was conducted on a base of 5548 online job advertisements in February 2021. In the 

following chapters of the study, we established a theoretical foundation for employability skills, followed by the results of practical research presented through answering the research questions. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the most important new findings of the research, implications to academic literacy and to university educators.Regarding marketing 


in the twenty-first century, there is a fresh perspective. Based on Cole ( 2004), consumer satisfaction is not now the main focus of marketing.Research for this overview of the body of work was done at Robert E. KennedyAlthough a product's utilitarian qualities and advantages may have been popular in the past, participation will be successful as our society moves toward an experienced-based one.Businesses have to learn in this new age of marketing 

to build closer relationships with their consumers. "The experienced approach is focused on a two-way interaction in real-time, a live brand experience and thereby a significantly deeper consumer bonding process," Smilansky (2009) notes (p. 12). Brands cannot help to enable that two-way engagement if the consumer and the brand cannot interact with each other. 

Taranto (1998) notes, "Events are increasingly being used to change perceptions and build relationships" (para. 5). By means of these live brand events, the consumer can develop an emotional connection and establish a rapport with the brand. This lets “the consumer live, breathe, and feel the brand through interactive, sensory connections and activities” (p. 

the years, experiential marketing has gained popularity since many businesses now find it a competitive tactic. Companies strive to maximize relationships, encourage participation, and boost loyalty among present and future consumers by means of the best strategies available. According to Maurno (2011), the application of experiential marketing generates those


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